Greenhouse Agency Education First FCU HubSpot portal audit case study

Education First Federal Credit Union

Performing a HubSpot Portal Audit to Drive Marketing Efficiency

Education First Federal Credit Union has deep roots in southeast Texas and a mission to educate and inform members about their finances and how to achieve their goals. While EFFCU’s purpose has always been clear, they needed some help using HubSpot to elevate their mission and use it to attract new members and bring them into the EFFCU family.

As a HubSpot Platinum Solutions Partner with over a decade of experience, GreenHouse has seen what a good HubSpot setup can do—and how much an improper setup that disregards best practices can hurt.

EFFCU came to GreenHouse for a HubSpot portal audit after losing their primary HubSpot user. With little in the way of documentation, they needed a HubSpot solutions partner to step in and give them an overview of their HubSpot portal. We were able to help them identify areas for improvement based on HubSpot best practices we’ve gained working with credit unions. The result was a comprehensive list of opportunities to address EFFCU’s SEO issues, improve inbound marketing, and increase their sales.

Areas We Audited
  • Marketing
  • Workflows
  • Reporting
  • Objects & Properties

“GreenHouse Agency assisted us with developing a custom solution for anonymizing and integrating data from our core system into HubSpot MarketingHub. The team was very thorough in learning about our desired outcome from a strategic standpoint and very thorough during the entire process. They worked directly with our IT department, all the while ensuring that we (marketing) understood the processes and were informed of progress. It has been a pleasure to work with them, and we look forward to engaging them in future projects as we move toward automated email marketing.”

— Carolyn Ridout, VP of Marketing

Streamline Marketing Operations with a CRM Audit

The HubSpot platform is a powerful marketing tool when it’s used properly. The issue is that a lot of companies don’t use best practices when setting up their HubSpot accounts. Over time, small errors can compound into large ones that impact every aspect of marketing and sales.

EFFCU turned to GreenHouse Agency for a comprehensive HubSpot audit to identify areas for improvement and recommendations for how to optimize HubSpot in their marketing. Our audit revealed an array of opportunities that EFFCU can use—with help from us—to improve the customer journey and attract new members.

Marketing Audit

In our HubSpot audit, we focused on seven key areas of marketing: Ads, Email, Landing Pages, Social, Website, Campaigns, and Lead Capture. In each area, we identified issues and pointed out opportunities to help EFFCU optimize their email marketing with double opt-ins and segmented audiences; simplify and improve landing pages; address website SEO issues; tag assets to campaigns; and improve lead capture with targeted CTAs and simplified forms.

Improve Efficiency with Workflow Auditing

Marketing automation can do a great deal to improve marketing results and attract more business. The HuSspot audit we completed for EFFCU focused on processes and workflows with an eye toward identifying inefficiencies and areas for improvement.

Creating workflows within HubSpot can help team members work together efficiently and automate repetitive tasks related to marketing and customer relationship management. Improper or unoptimized workflows limit how HubSpot can be used and can lead to confusion.

Workflow Audit

EFFCU had created some workflows but they weren’t as streamlined as they could be. They came to GreenHouse Agency for help in identifying repetitive and unused workflows and creating new workflows that would help them achieve their goals.

We were able to identify unused workflows, many of which were created for a single use, and identify areas where regular marketing emails could be scheduled to eliminate delays and confusion. At the same time, our HubSpot experts found that 7.7% of EFFCU’s workflows contained critical errors that could be repaired to improve results.

Fill Holes in Data to Improve Reporting

HubSpot can be a powerful tool when best practices are implemented. It can be used to track conversions, identify customer behaviors, and gather data for use in improving workflows and the customer journey.

The key is to understand which data is most important and use HubSpot properly to do things like create and track custom URLs and document customers’ behavior with an eye toward understanding how they convert.

Reporting Audit

EFFCU had properly used HubSpot to track some URLs, but wasn’t creating custom URLs for landing pages. They needed assistance in understanding when and how to use custom URLs to gather valuable customer information and increase conversions.

Our HubSpot experts reviewed EFFCU’s identified URLs and recommended creating tracking URLs through HubSpot to enhance tracking on assets where it wasn’t possible to use a custom conversion code or a HubSpot tracking code. We suggested adding QR codes on print materials to assist with tracking and creating custom behavioral events for advanced tracking.

Improve Marketing Assets by Streamlining and Completing Contacts

One of the biggest benefits of using HubSpot is that it simplifies the process of collecting and using marketing assets and objects, including contact information.

Improving asset and property health is key for companies who want to take advantage of Hubspot’s robust array of features to streamline their marketing and improve ROI.

Assets & Objects Audit

While EFFCU had been using Hubspot to gather contact information, there were some holes in their data—something that made their contact records less valuable than they should be.

Our audit results revealed some significant holes in EFFCU’s data, including everything from missing first names that impeded personalization of email campaigns to a lack of customer personas. We were able to identify key areas for improvement that will allow EFFCU to eliminate duplicate records, complete missing information, and increase conversions with better lead nurturing and tracking.

Audit Results

Wondering about the health of your HubSpot Portal?

Our HubSpot Portal Optimization Audit is specifically tailored to drive success within your marketing, sales, and service teams in the financial sector.

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